We’re on for a January 1 publication

Plus or minus eight days. The matter is concluded. The ink is dry. Book Baby has sent out its requests to all of its various e-book outlets and at this point it’s out of our hands: glaring typos, questionable formatting and all. Key example, we didn’t include Zidi Publishing’s contact information on the credits page. Amateurs, did we just hear you say? Proudly!

The covers that weren’t

Has it really been two weeks? We’ve been busy with all of the last last-minute preparations (the book cover is too small, the author bio wasn’t written and the author photo wasn’t taken, the website needs at least some kind of design). The last time we talked about our pitiful in-house attempts at the book cover, we mentioned turning the image horizontally by adding a second structure. Here was the next attempt. This one was so 8-bit, choppy and absurd that we sort of … considered it.
