Book of Constants excerpt

ZD-002: Book of Constants
A short story by C.E. Alexander
Price: $0.99
Literary, General Detective, Short Story
Purchasing link

We settle in a new town by misstep. I bring only my camera and her bits of captured sky. My son Kobe has a book he will not read out loud, and a stuffed frog his mother found while buying antiques. He seems to understand it, that she could rarely leave the house and that this toy was out of the ordinary. We had to name it for him, so I call it Cucumbers. Continue reading

The covers that weren’t

A rough sketch of the book cover motifs for three of our four upcoming titles. Now that a third-party service will be designing all four covers, we can refer to these as covers that weren’t.

Design: C.E. Alexander
Photography: C.E. Alexander
Intellectual property research: C.E. Alexander
Legal inquiries: C.E. Alexander

Three Covers rotated

Book of Constants: a middle-aged widower and his son relocate to a small development in rural Wyoming. Within weeks of moving he is urged to lead a murder investigation, his first act as law enforcement. (July 20)

My Wounded Specular: a young man–suffering from apparent and severe amnesia–places himself in the care of a much older woman. She seems also to struggle with her memory, although she can cite future events with precise detail. (August 20)

The Shallow Cittern: our first horror story. In post-National Assembly Cuba, a new, mysterious, possibly artificial language has complicated the transition efforts. (September 20)

Bar Juchne: a grief-stricken woman leaves her husband for the physician who tended to her dying mother. Her idea of home security has unexpected results. (October 20)

For those ready to read, might we suggest C.E. Alexander’s fiction debut, The Music and the Spires?